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Experienced Aesthetic and Restorative Dentists in San Antonio, TX

Innovative Dental Solutions and Technology

Our dentists provide preventative care and precise dental procedures with personalized plans. We use the latest cutting-edge technology and up-to-date operational practices to provide comfortable, high-quality dental treatments. We can replace missing teeth, correct your bite, conceal imperfections, and whiten stained teeth to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Our precise dental procedures help manage tooth decay, relieve discomfort, and promote faster healing. We provide innovative treatments, including laser dentistry, fillings, X-rays, and dental bonding. Our quality dental care includes the following:

laughing family of three

Making Dental Care Possible

At the office of Drs. Macias and Pelekanos, we are trusted and experienced Aesthetic and Restorative Dentists in San Antonio, TX. We offer affordable dental care, including restorative, cosmetic procedures and sleep disordered breathing. Our dentists help patients smile confidently. They work with you to meet your dental care needs. We provide exceptional dental treatment and patient education for adults, teens, and children. We help patients of every age enjoy healthy, functional smiles. Our office is family-friendly and accommodating. We welcome every patient in a warm, friendly environment to help them feel as comfortable as possible. We strive to offer attainable, high-quality dental care to every patient. Our trusted, experienced dentist can help you achieve a beautiful smile.

woman in dental chair

Affordable, Comprehensive, and Customized Dental Care

We do everything we can to provide attainable and affordable dental care so every patient can move forward with the treatment they need. We do everything we can to make oral health care possible for every patient. We accept dental insurance and offer reasonable payment options to help your family afford your needed care. Receive routine cleaning appointments and essential dental procedures to improve your oral health. We offer comprehensive dental care from a kind, friendly staff. Our experienced dentists are compassionate, respectful, and professional. We do our best to exceed expectations, help patients feel at ease, and produce beautiful results.


C. Roger Macias DDS & Alexis Pelekanos DDS

21 Spurs Ln #130
San Antonio, TX 78240


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 11:00 AM

21 Spurs Ln #130, San Antonio, TX 78240, USA